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The importance of staying creative

Smart working, or working from home, is a concept that has been around for years, but the recent Covid-19 pandemic brought it to surface and showcased how essential and efficient it can be even in critical situations, proving that it can be adapted even after the pandemic to avoid pollution and work more efficiently.

Whilst working from home in your pajama bottoms might sound appealing to most people, that is not always the case when talking about the general population. A large group of people with disadvantages are not able to understand and apply the technology and prepare themselves psychologically and physically for the new way of working – this includes students and VET trainers. Therefore, by not being able to transition to digital work, they will most likely get more isolated and be left behind as the world around them evolves.

The Project

Our project aims at developing a guideline for digital and practical tools needed in Smart Working, a guide that can help both VET trainers and mentors to understand the concepts and to be able to share the knowledge with their disadvantaged students who will then become more socially, digitally, and economically included in an era of growing digitalization and social distancing.

The Partnership

The project will create a strong partnership of experts that bring their own concepts based on expertise and research and help develop a Smart Working E-Book of Best Practices – an effective training pathway for VET trainers and an efficient way of reaching our target. The project will ultimately have more disadvantaged students digitally and socially included, by being trained in Smart Working topics, while also generating more employment options and access to opportunities and jobs.

Partners from 4 countries: Italy, the United Kingdom, Austria, and Romania, will work together towards reaching the expected outcomes, whilst making sure that the project has a long-term value regarding the impact on the target groups.

What we want to achieve:

Raise the attractiveness of professions like VET teachers, trainers, mentors, and leaders, especially those working with disadvantaged students.

An available Systematic Training pathway on Smart Working for disadvantaged students and VET providers working with disadvantaged people.

More socially, economically, and digitally included disadvantaged people and a more effective way of working especially for disadvantaged people.

Last but not least, avoiding creating pollution with the help of Smart Working, and its added benefits such as limited traveling, gas consumption and a reduce consume of paper.

The targeted groups

As mentioned before, the targeted groups for the Smart Working project consist of 3 main types of participants: first, the VET Teachers, Trainers, mentors/coachers and then Schools, second, VET organizations, SME and NGOs working in VET Training with disadvantaged people, and thirdly the disadvantaged students.

  • 25 VET trainers, 5 form each partner. Our main participants are the VET teachers, trainers, mentors & coachers who will be trained in innovative and practical skills to have a systematic approach toward Smart Working firstly for their own professional development and secondly to be able to enhance disadvantaged students in accessing opportunities and jobs.
  • Schools, VET organizations, SME and NGOs which work with disadvantaged students will be involved in the dissemination of the project and the recruiting of VET teachers, trainers, mentors, while also enhancing their internal knowledge on Smart Working.
  • Disadvantaged students –students with disadvantages such as: disability, health issues, geographical obstacles, marginalized people (poverty, rural and inner-city deprived areas, minority groups), single families or economical obstacles. They will ultimate benefit from well trained Teachers and trainer and a systematic approach.